Bank Independent Stadium

银行独立体育场是一个愿景的顶峰,这个愿景始于近50年前,当时K8彩乐园的领导层对该机构充满信心, its students, its faculty, its staff, and, perhaps, most importantly, its community. Today, 校园银行独立体育场的变革性质为这一愿景的实现奠定了基础. By its very nature, a stadium brings people together to champion a common cause, and there is no question that, whether a football or baseball game, a soccer match, or a concert, 银行独立体育场将做到这一点——现在和未来的几代人. 随着北阿拉巴马州在历史上占有一席之地,我们欢迎这一历史性和转型的下一步.

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The project entered the design phase in June of 2023, 在比尔·琼斯体育中心的UNA草坪训练场发布公告. In December of 2023, UNA entered into an agreement with HPM and Davis Architects, both out of Birmingham, to manage and design the project. In March of 2024, UNA董事会批准了一项早期建设计划,在Cox Creek公园建造一个多用途的草皮练习场-位于Cox Creek的UNA春季体育中心. Additionally, 针对棒球场设计和所有基础工作以及银行独立体育场场地的公众,已经发布了一个早期投标包. On June 14, the UNA Board of Trustees approved the design, scope, timeline, and budget model, which paved the way for groundbreaking. A final bid package is scheduled to be released in September 2024. 根据施工时间,可能的开放季节将在2026-2027年.


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